Cody Wall

UI Engineer, Apple

New York City

[email protected]

Museum of Peace and Quiet

MoPQ is a lifestyle brand from Southern California.

The website is built using a custom Shopify template.

Graphic design by Mouthwash Studio.

Museum of Peace and Quiet homepage hero
The homepage hero neatly fits into the browser window.
The circle on the navigation fills from the outside-in when clicked ...
... and so do the shop navigation items.
The footer allows you to play ambient sounds while you shop.
Page transitions slow you down.
The Concierge page features a split navigation.
The Museum page communicates the brand through photography.
The product page features a minimal carousel that fills the window.
Stockists page
The Stockists page has a green background and an inverted navigation.
The Cart is positioned above the page, pushing the page content down when opened.